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Stalking I - GicleeDruck

handsigniert, nummeriert
Auflage 30 Exemplare.
Format der Darstellung:
45x31,5cm, auf BüttenPapier 60x42cm.

Bild anhören
Aneta KOSIN, is a well-known and respected poster artist and creator of the visual identity in Poland and other countries around the world. For years she has been involved in both creative and scientific work. She runs her own Design Studio – “AK Devision Aneta Kosin”. For many years, Aneta has been very actively designing posters and a coherent / comprehensive graphic design for artistic, social and events. Her works are distinctive and recognizable in the designer community as well as among recipients. She is a PhD student at the Visual Information Design Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts named Wl. Strzeminski in Lódz, Poland. She is a laureate of many awards and a participant of exhibitions in Poland and abroad: New York, London, Estonia, Sydney, etc. Her works are in the Poster Museum in Wilanów, Musee de la Publicite in Paris, Mexico, the Museum of Cinematography in Lódz and private collections.
